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Thind Styleguide

The Thind Styleguide is the backbone of Thind UI, meticulously designed to enhance your Webflow projects by providing a consistent and scalable framework. It builds upon Finsweet's Client-First system, incorporating several enhancements to meet the specific demands of app and dashboard development.

Key Features

1. Based on Client-First Principles

The Thind Styleguide adopts the foundational principles of Finsweet's Client-First system, ensuring a logical, organized, and scalable approach to Webflow development. It takes the best practices from Client-First and adds specialized modifications tailored for complex web application

2. Built-in CSS Variables

One of the standout features of the Thind Styleguide is the integration of CSS variables, making it incredibly easy to manage themes. With built-in support for dark and light modes, you can quickly switch between themes and maintain consistency across your entire project.

3. Enhanced Component Structure

The Thind Styleguide enhances the traditional Client-First structure by incorporating additional layers of organization suitable for app and dashboard interfaces. This includes a more detailed folder system for dashboards, a comprehensive set of buttons, icons, cards and data tables.

4. Scalability and Maintainability

Designed with scalability in mind, Thind Styleguide allows you to build projects that can grow and evolve without becoming unwieldy. Its clear and intuitive structure ensures that updates and maintenance are straightforward, even as your project expands.

You can get the cloneable for Thind Styleguide here.