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Thind UI, the ultimate toolkit for building stunning Webflow applications with ease. Thind UI is designed to empower Webflow developers by providing a comprehensive set of components inspired by the best design practices. Our components are not just visually appealing but also highly functional, ensuring that your web applications look great and perform flawlessly.

What is Thind UI?

Thind UI is a meticulously crafted collection of Webflow components, built on top of the Thind Styleguide. The Thind Styleguide is an evolution of Finsweet's Client-First system, enhanced to meet the specific needs of app and dashboard development. With built-in CSS variables, Thind UI supports seamless dark and light mode compatibility, making theme customization effortless

Key Features

  • Inspired by shadcn/ui: Enjoy the aesthetics and usability of shadcn/ui components, tailored for Webflow.
  • Based on Thind Styleguide: Benefit from a robust style system that extends Finsweet's Client-First methodology, optimized for modern web applications.
  • Dark and Light Mode: Easily switch between themes using our built-in CSS variables, ensuring a consistent look and feel across your projects.
  • Community-Focused: Thind UI components are designed for easy integration. Copy and paste them into your Webflow projects to accelerate your development process.

Why Choose Thind UI?

  • Efficiency: Save time with pre-built, reusable components that follow best practices in design and development.
  • Consistency: Maintain a unified design language across your projects with our standardized style guide.
  • Customization: Effortlessly switch themes and customize your applications with our flexible CSS variable system.
  • Scalability: From small projects to large-scale applications, Thind UI is designed to grow with your needs.